ELTE könyvek
The Enforceability and the Choice-of-Law Implications of Arbitration Agreements
ELTE Jurisprudence, Volume 67.
What are the foundations of international commercial arbitration? What is the legal nature of the arbitration agreement? What are the different aspects of enforceability of the arbitration agreement?
- Teljes ár: 9 000 Ft
- ORAC törzsvásárlóknak: 10%
- Diákkedvezmény: 15%
Fiduciary Property Management and the Trust
Historical and Comparative Law Analysis
The book discusses the development of use and the trust and also examines other contemporary legal institutions that may have played a role in the development of the trust.
- Teljes ár: 8 000 Ft
- ORAC törzsvásárlóknak: 10%
- Diákkedvezmény: 15%